How Your Startup Could Make a Billion

How Your Startup Could Make a Billion

Most entrepreneurs say money is not a motivation for them. If believe this is true. Financial reward alone is not sufficient to instill in you the entrepreneurial fire that will push you forward in rough times. A paycheck will motivate you enough to complete a certain...
Baby Black Swans

Baby Black Swans

Black swan events are now a staple of our daily vocabulary. Popularized by Nassim Taleb’s book “The Black Swan” (2007), the term is a metaphor for a totally unexpected event that catches the observer on the wrong foot. After the fact, experts try to rationalize...
What’s Your Plan For 2030?

What’s Your Plan For 2030?

When drafting a business plan, we usually project a few years into the future. Conventional wisdom asks for a five-year forecast. More often than not, we come up with a graph that in some form exponentially speeds up towards the upper right, like the old hockey stick...